Ginger and Lemon Juice: Benefits (Natures Detox)


The health benefits of drinking
ginger and lemon juice daily, and a simple recipe to use at home

  1. Ginger and Lemon
    are two of the most powerful natural medicines in the world.
The Ancient Greeks used ginger as a spice and for health over 5000
years ago.

It was also used in Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic Indian
medicine as a "Healing Gift From God."

  1. Lemon was also
    used in these ancient civilisations as a natural way to purify the body,
    removing toxins and illness when added to herbal teas and tonics.

  1. By drinking a
    mixture of ginger and lemon in a glass of water every day, you can cure
    many problems in the body, especially in detoxing the organs and lowering
    body fat.

  1. These ingredients
    are some of the easiest to find in stores all over the world, and boosts
    the body's healing abilities.

Let’s take a look at the recipe

You Will Need

2 Inch of Fresh Ginger
2 Lemons
2 Cup Hot Water (500ml)


Peel and slice the ginger into small pieces and add to the hot
water. Allow the ginger to steep for 20 minutes.

Then slice the lemons thinly and add to the water. Refrigerate for
2 hours. You now have a wonderful ginger and lemon detox water.

Strain and drink this throughout the day to detoxify your internal
organs and trigger the healing effects of this tonic.

  1. This drink
    naturally helps your body to digest its foods more effectively. More
    nutrients begin to be absorbed by the body, improving your overall health.
  2. You will notice a
    warming effect on the stomach. This is caused by the powerful healing
    compounds in ginger such as gingerol and zingiberene.
  3. This works
    alongside the vitamin C in the lemons to cleanse and purify the internal
    organs.  Flushing out toxins that we
    take in from junk foods and prescription drugs.
  4. The main benefit
    of this wonderful mixture is its ability to lower inflammation. It flushes
    excess fluids from the body which can be causing pressure points in the
    muscles and joints. This is excellent for those with joint pain and
  5. The Vitamin C
    found in this drink is easily absorbed and improves the immune system,
    helping your body to heal from disease and physical trauma.
  6. The ginger gives
    this drink compounds which prevent painful stomach acid problems, whilst
    the lemon helps the stomach to break down foods. This can treat GERD, Acid
    Reflux, Heartburn and Indigestion.
  7. Within a week or
    two, these benefits to your digestion also triggers fat burning hormones,
    which helps your body to shed excess fat.
  8. Often our bodies
    are dehydrated due to the unhealthy drinks we consume. This tonic hydrates
    the body and provides essential minerals. This improves brain function,
    helping you to think more clearly.
  9. The mixture of
    lemon and ginger also helps to fight against sore throats, flu, colds,
    coughs, congestion and sinusitis. It effectively helps to clear the
    airways and heal faster when you have an infection.
  10. The natural
    properties within also strengthen the veins and arteries through the body,
    and allow for better circulation of the blood.
  11. This naturally
    helps prevent conditions such as hypertension, high blood pressure, heart
    disease, stroke, erectile dysfunction and impotence.
  12. Ginger was widely
    used in Ancient Chinese medicine as an aphrodisiac to stimulate both the
    body and mind.
  13. The citrus from
    the lemon reduces the dangers of kidney stones as it has the ability to
    cleanse the kidneys. It also destroys build ups of uric acid for those who
    suffer with gout, a form of arthritis.
  14. If you suffer
    with bad breath, then this tonic is definitely for you. The ingredients
    not only neutralise odours but also cause you to have more saliva. This
    kills odour causing bacteria in the mouth.
  15. Cramps in the
    lower legs and feet are quite common with age. This drink helps blood to
    flow through the muscles to prevent this problem.
  16. Ginger has been
    shown in studies to inhibit the growth of certain cancers, especially in
    breast cancer patients, making this an excellent daily drink for women.
  17. It has been
    stated that this drink is as powerful as the drug ibuprofen when it comes
    to relieving period pain and PMS.
  18. It is also used
    to treat nausea for chemotherapy patients and those with sea or motion
  19. You can also use
    dried ginger or lemon powder for this recipe, however fresh ingredients
    always work best as these contain more minerals, vitamins and enzymes.
  20. To learn more
    about healthy tonics such as this for improving your overall health,
    please see our other videos.  

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