19 Things That Will Happen If You Drink Lemon Juice and Apple Cider Vinegar Daily!

19 Things That Will Happen If You Drink Lemon Juice and Apple Cider Vinegar Daily!
Apple Cider Vinegar (AVC) and Lemon Juice: Recipe & Health Benefits

Here in this video, you can discover The fantastic health benefits of lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and a simple recipe for use at home.

The ancient Egyptians used Apple Cider Vinegar as a natural medicine and antiseptic at least 8000 years ago. It was recommended and prescribed in Ancient Greece as a "Healing Elixir."

Lemon Juice was also used by ancient civilizations to purify the body and break a fast in the Middle East. It still used today to boost health and vitality.

When these ingredients are mixed, they form a unique remedy that has some fantastic health benefits.

These work wonders in cleansing fat from the liver, especially for those who are overweight.

Lemon Juice contains a powerful compound called Citric Acid. This has been scientifically shown to be a powerful antioxidant helping the body to fight diseases and infections.

Apple Cider Vinegar works hand in hand with the lemon juice by introducing its powerful acetic acid and enzymes.

These rapidly boosts your body's digestion, allowing you to break down foods and absorb more nutrients from every meal.


You Will Need:

250 ml Water

1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar

2 Tablespoons Raw Lemon Juice


Mix the ingredients in a glass and stir well.

Drink this before a meal or on an empty stomach every morning before breakfast.

You must use raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, as this contains the enzymes and acetic acid that the body needs.

You should also use freshly squeezed raw lemon juice and avoid bottled varieties, as only fresh, unpasteurized milk contains the vital Vitamin C.

If you do not like the taste of this drink, simply add a little stevia or erythritol for sweetness.

Let's take a look at 18 health benefits that you can enjoy when drinking this tonic daily.

1. Weight Loss
The acetic acid and citric acid work together to trigger weight loss in the body. These ingredients reduce fat storage, especially in the belly area. They help you tap into your own fat reserves for energy by increasing insulin sensitivity and balancing blood sugar.
2. Nutrition
This drink contains healthy doses of Vitamin C, acetic acid, folate, potassium, flavonoids, antioxidants, citric acid, and limonins.
3. Boosts Energy

Many athletes use both of these ingredients to improve the health of their cells and mitochondria. This allows their cells to store more energy for better performance, strength, and stamina.

4. Liver Support
Drinking this every day is an excellent way to support your liver, as it has been shown to help detoxify the organ and strip away visceral fat. It does this by assisting the gallbladder in releasing bile, which breaks down fat cells.

5. Anti-Inflammatory
Apple cider vinegar and lemon water are also highly anti-inflammatory and help eliminate pain in different areas of the body. The antioxidants and natural compounds act as natural pain killers.

6. Helps Arthritis
Drinking this mixture daily helps those who have arthritis, joint pain, and bone pain. The healthy acids help your stomach absorb more minerals, strengthening the bones and joints and connective tissues.

7. Brain Health
After drinking this for 1-2 weeks, you may notice that you begin to think more clearly. It improves the health of the central nervous system and can enhance memory and recall.

8. Absorb Nutrients
The main drinks power helps your body absorb nutrients from other foods that you eat during the day. Eating healthy wild-caught fish and cruciferous vegetables alongside the drink helps the vitamins and minerals to get into your cells fast.

9. Digestion
In particular, Apple cider vinegar helps to speed up digestion by helping your gallbladder release bile and the pancreas to release enzymes. These all work together to break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates from your food.

10. Immunity
Lemon Juice and Apple Cider Vinegar are powerful immune-boosting agents and help to fight off infections and disease. The natural acids and Vitamin C help to speed up white blood cells in the body so that they can respond faster to invaders like bacteria or viruses. 

11. Reduce Swelling
If you have to swell in the legs or feet, then today's remedy can help. It reduces a build-up of unwanted fluids, which could be causing pressure in the muscles and joints. This also aids in lowering high blood pressure.

12. Anti-Aging
Many people in Eastern countries use lemon juice regularly. This, combined with their healthy lifestyle, helps them to stay looking younger for longer because they have less oxidative stress on their bodies. They also often add a little turmeric to this drink, for an added boost.

13. Supplement
If you prefer, you can purchase apple cider vinegar in dried capsule form. However, the fresh liquid is best. If you don't have access to fresh lemons, look for an organic, unpasteurized bottled variety which only contains fruit and water.
14. Skin Health
After drinking today's mixture for a week or more, you may notice the skin becoming more explicit, brighter, and healthier looking. Healthy skin is a positive indicator of your internal health.

15. Destroys Pathogens
Apple cider vinegar and citric acid help destroy harmful pathogens in foods, especially seafood.
 You can also add lemon juice and ACV to a little olive oil to make a healthy salad dressing.

16. Helps Addiction
When quitting smoking, drinking, or other substances, you may consider drinking today's mixture. By supporting a healthy liver, it helps to get harmful chemicals out of your body faster, so that you can get past cravings.

17. Treats Acid Reflux
If you suffer from acid reflux or a painful burning sensation in the chest, you may be suffering from indigestion.

This happens when the stomach struggles to break down foods because it is too alkaline or has a high Ph.
The apple cider vinegar and lemon juice drink strengthen stomach acid, bringing the Ph. down to its natural levels.
The stomach then breaks down foods properly, relieving heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion pain.
The minerals and nutrients from your foods become adequately absorbed, and your overall health increases.

18. Reduce Oxalates
Many plant-based foods like nuts, seeds, and vegetables contain oxalates. These can form painful stones in the kidneys and joints if there are too many in the body. This drink helps the stomach to break down oxalates to prevent unwanted stones in the body.

19. Caution
Always be sure to add the water to ACV and Lemon Juice, as the mixture alone is a little too powerful to drink. Drinking the mixture 'neat' could cause minor acid burns to the throat, so always add water.

Those who are taking diabetes medications or insulin should avoid this drink and consult a doctor before use.

As you can view, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice is a fantastic combination for human health. 

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