Sago: Benefits & Uses


The health benefits
and uses of sago pearls, also known as sabudana.

  1. Sago pearls are made from the
    spongy centre found in tropical palm trees. These are commonly harvested
    in South Asia, but are used all over the world.
  2. These are a natural source of
    carbohydrates and can be eaten regularly if you wish to gain weight
  3. Sago is often rolled into
    balls and mixed with boiling water to form a paste used in cooking for
    items such as pancakes.
  4. A pudding can also be created
    with this ingredient by adding boiled milk and sugar to make a sweet
  5. The pearls themselves look
    similar to tapioca and are often used in place of potato starch.
  6. Sago has saved the lives of
    many people in countries and areas which have no agriculture. The high
    carbohydrate content contains lots of calories and are excellent when
    there is a shortage of food.
  7. It contains small amount of
    calcium, iron, fat, carotene, thiamine and ascorbic acid.
  8. The main benefit of eating
    sago regularly is that it boosts energy levels by raising blood sugar.
    This is excellent to take before exercise or long walks.
  9. Sago pearls are used in a
    great range of recipes, as they act as a thickening agent especially when
    creating baked goods such as bread or pastries.
  10. We recommend boiling sago
    with water, lemon juice and honey to make a delicious lemon sago pudding.
    This is often served in New Zealand.

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