Baking Soda: to Tenderize Meat


How to use baking soda to tenderize meat

  1. Baking Soda, also
    known as bicarbonate of soda has been used in cooking and natural remedies
    for thousands of years.

This versatile white powder has hundreds of different uses in the
kitchen and around the home.

  1. Baking soda can
    be used to tenderize meat, making it easier to eat and have more
    flavour.  This works especially well
    with beef steak, but also works with pork, veal and many other meat

  1. To do this,
    simply take your meat and add a thin coating of baking soda to each side.
    Then sprinkle some coarse sea salt over. The salt helps the baking soda to
    soften the proteins within the meat.

  1. Allow the meat to
    rest for around 4 hours. The baking soda and salt mixture draws water out
    of the proteins. Water that would have caused the steak to become chewy
    and more difficult to eat.

  1. Rinse the steak
    with cold water to remove the excess baking soda and salt, and then pat
    dry with a paper towel.

You will notice that the meat has already become softer, and may
even break apart from its fat, so try to be gentle with this when handling.

  1. Add your
    favourite herbs and spices and cook the meat in your favourite way, we
    love using a grill or a simple frying pan when cooking steak.

  1. Whilst the meat
    is finished cooking, the natural fats marbled into the meat will be able
    to gently fry the meat from the inside, giving it a richer and fuller

The baking soda and salt mixture allowed some of the proteins to
break down, which makes the meat have a softer texture, and also makes it
easier to cook.

  1. Baking Soda is a
    secret ingredient used for tenderizing smaller cuts of meats in Chinese
    restaurants and Asian cooking.

  1. Naturally fatty
    meat can provide the body with a range of fat soluble vitamins and
    nutrients which are excellent for your health. Try to use meat from grass
    fed sources as these are the healthiest around.

  1. To learn more
    about home remedies, and healthy nutrition please see our other videos.

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