Home Remedies: for Bleeding Gums


A list of home remedies for bleeding gums

Many people suffer with the common problem of bleeding gums. This
can often happen when we brush our teeth, but you may also find blood leaking
from the mouth at night.

This can be very worrying, but the good news is that it is very
easy to treat bleeding gums naturally at home

Let's take a look at some of the best natural remedies available
to treat this problem.

  1. Wheatgrass Juice
Mix a little water with a teaspoon of wheatgrass juice, and swish
around the mouth for 3 minutes twice a day. This naturally fights infections in
the teeth and gums, and lowers inflammation of gum tissue.

  1. Baking Soda Paste
This is a natural product which is often used in cooking. Make a
paste by adding a little water to some baking soda and gently brush the teeth
and gums. This gets rid of acids in the mouth which may be causing the gums to
bleed, also destroying harmful bacteria which sits around the teeth edges. Do
this twice per day.

  1. Salt Water
If you have bleeding gums it is likely that the gums are inflamed
and you may even suffer with toothache. Salt water is an excellent remedy for
this. Mix 1 teaspoon of sea salt with 250ml of warm water. Gargle with this
mixture and rinse around the entire mouth. This gets rid of mouth pain quickly
and can heal the gums when used regularly. Do this three to five times per day.

  1. Neem Leaves
Neem leaves are highly effective in treating problems with the
gums, skin and tissue matter of the body. 
They destroy harmful invaders and get rid of bleeding gums quickly. Mash
a handful of leaves using a pestle and mortar to make a paste. Boil these in 1
litre of water for 15 minutes. Store this and use as a natural mouthwash and
gargle for the next 3 days. Use morning, noon and night.

  1. Vitamin K Foods
Bleeding gums may be caused by a vitamin K deficiency. Rather than
taking unhealthy supplements, begin eating lots of fresh leafy greens such as
kale, broccoli, spring onions or sprouts to boost your intake. This may lower
inflammation internally within the body.

  1. Oregano Oil
Brushing the teeth with oregano oil has an anti-inflammatory
effect on the gums. The antioxidants and natural compounds in this wonderful
natural product work to heal gum disease and infections. It destroys bacteria,
fungus, parasites and viruses.

  1. Aloe Vera Gel
Fresh Aloe Vera contains some powerful medicinal properties. Rub
the pulp from within the leaves all over the gums with the fingers. Hold this
in the mouth for 10-15 minutes before rinsing with warm water. Do this three
times per day for the best effects.

  1. Green Tea
Green tea, or Matcha Green Tea contains powerful healing
properties for the entire body. Drinking this regularly throughout the day
lowers inflammation in the gums, especially if you swish the tea around the
mouth before swallowing. This rich source of antioxidants works wonders for
treating bleeding gums.

  1. Vitamin C Foods
Adding a natural source of vitamin C into your diet can boost your
bodies healing abilities, and heal problems related to the mouth. We recommend
eating Sauerkraut often as this is one of the richest sources on the planet.
Bell peppers and cabbage are also excellent sources.

  1. Cod Liver Oil or
    Krill Oil
Some studies have shown that gum disease and bleeding gums are
linked with a deficiency of omega 3 fatty acids. Taking a daily supplement of
cod liver oil, or krill oil will boost your intake and potentially cure the

As you can see, there are a range of home remedies that
you can use to get rid of bleeding gums. Try out some of these and see which
works best for you.

Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day to get
rid of plaque, which can inflame your gums and make them bleed.

To learn more about oral health and natural remedies,
please see our other videos.

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