Bay Leaves: for Insomnia (Sleep Aid)


How to use bay leaves to treat insomnia.

  1. Insomnia is a
    common problem where people find it difficult to "switch off"
    and fall asleep easily at night.

There are many issues which can cause this, such as eating an
unhealthy diet, or having general stress and anxiety.

  1. The good news is
    that bay leaves have been used as a natural medicine for thousands of
    years and have the ability to trigger relaxation hormones in your body,
    helping you to fall asleep.

  1. Simply take three
    bay leaves and place them in a fireproof bowl. Burn them using a match or
    a lighter. Be careful as these leaves are very inflammable and burn very

  1. The natural
    aromas from the leaves cause your body to relax within 5-10 minutes. This
    is due to the natural essential oils the leaves contain such as Pinene,
    and Cineole.

  1. The leaves also
    contain Eugenol and Mycrene. These compounds have the effect of reducing
    stress from the body

  1. Burn the bay
    leaves around an hour before you wish to sleep. Put away your phone and
    mobile devices and simply allow yourself to relax. This will help you to
    unwind and prepare your mind for rest.

  1. This process will
    also help you to get a rejuvenating night's sleep, with less chance of
    waking up restless during the night or early morning.

  1. The leaves
    themselves can be used to flavour delicious meals. In fact a compound
    called linalool found in bay leaves has been shown to reduce anxiety and
    improve social interaction.

  1. To enjoy these
    benefits, the leaves can be steeped in water to create a bay leaf tea, or
    added to soups and stews, and removed when cooked.

  1. Bay leaves are
    most commonly used as a spice but also have many other health benefits, be
    sure to  see our video “Bay Leaves:
    Benefits and Uses” to learn more.

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