Erase Stretch Marks: in 4 Weeks (Easily)


to erase stretch marks from the body in 4 weeks easily.

  1. Stretch marks are a common
    problem, especially for mothers who have given birth or are pregnant.

  1. In today's video we will
    share with you a simple remedy which can heal the skin and get rid of
    stretch marks in as little as 4 weeks.

Let’s take a look at the recipe

You Will Need 

1 Teaspoon Wheatgerm Oil
1 Teaspoon Coconut Oil
1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice


Mix the ingredients together in a small bowl and stir well. Use a
massage brush tool or your fingers and massage the oil into the stretch marks
for at least 2 minutes. Apply pressure in circular motions to ensure that the
oil can penetrate the skin.

Perform this every other night, for one month. Be sure to take a
break between treatments of 1 day each time. This will allow the skin to heal.

  1. The
    wheatgerm oil is a powerful natural source of Vitamin E, which helps the
    scar tissue to break down where the stretch marks have formed. This also
    promotes healthy skin growth.

  1. The coconut
    oil has the ability to help the skin absorb the vitamin e from the wheat
    germ oil. It is also highly moisturising and aids the process in growing
    new skin cells.

  1. It is
    important to use freshly squeezed lemon juice for this remedy. The natural
    acids within the lemons helps to strip away dying scar tissue cells from
    the surface of the skin.

  1. Over time,
    you will notice the stretch marks becoming red. This is a sign that the
    treatment is working. The circulation of blood is beginning to come to the
    surface as the scar tissue breaks down, bringing healthy hormones which
    will rejuvenate the skin.

  1. After only
    one month the stretch marks will have disappeared quote noticeably. You
    can continue this treatment for another month or two for severe stretch

  1. If you do
    not have stretch marks yet, but are pregnant and are worried about getting
    any. Rub wheat germ oil into the skin often to prevent scar tissue from
    forming in the first place. This will promote elasticity in the skin and
    prevent the microfibers from splitting.

  1. Using a massage brush works
    best as it allows for even pressure to be applied to the skin when
    applying the mixture.  These have
    rubber tips which are often used to massage the scalp during showering..

  1. To learn more about natural
    remedies, please see our other videos.

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