Foods Rich in Iron


A list of healthy Foods Rich in Iron

Nowadays many people are deficient in iron, especially those who consume too many refined grains and junk foods.

Over time this can lead to a range of problems like anemia, chronic tiredness, brain fog, poor memory, thyroid problems, increased heart rate, breathing problems and deep ambient headaches.

The body needs at least 8mg of iron per day to make red blood cells, move oxygen around the body, support the immune system and make DNA.

In today's article we will share with you a list of the best foods rich in bioavailable iron, which is easily absorbed by the thebody. 

1. Liver

Organ meats like liver, kidney and heart are the best sources of iron for the body. 100g of beef liver contains 6.2mg of heme iron to support healthy blood, and also supplies a great range of other nutrients such as Vitamin A. Eating organ meats once a week supports healthy blood flow and eyesight.

2. Spirulina

Spirulina is a nutrient dense algae and is one of the best plant based sources of minerals like iron and magnesium. 4 tablespoons of spirulina supplies 8mg of iron, which is the perfect daily amount for most people. Pregnant women and nursing mothers may need higher amounts.

3. Oysters

Shellfish are also rich in heme iron, the type of iron that is most bioavailable and absorbed by the body. 6 medium sized oysters contain 6.1mg of iron. They are also a great source of zinc which promotes fast healing and immunity.

4. Mussels

These are another form of shellfish which are loaded with healthy iron. 100g of delicious cooked mussels contains 6.7mg of heme iron. We recommend cooking this into a low carb paella or pair them with a delicious sea bass dish.

5. Pumpkin Seeds

You can also get small amounts of none heme iron from pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds and hempseeds. 100g of pumpkin seeds contains 3.3mg of iron and are also a rich source of zinc for making cellular energy. 

6. Spinach
Raw spinach is one of the best vegetable sources of iron and contains 2.7mg of iron in 100g. Although vegetable sources of iron aren't as easily absorbed, these leaves do contain a high amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron better, so we recommend eating salad leaves on the side of the plate. These will help your body to absorb iron better from your heme iron sources like meats, fish and shellfish.

7. Beef
Beef is well known as one of the best sources of iron for the human body. We recommend organic grass-fed beef for the healthiest variety.  A single steak of around 250g contains an enormous 6mg of heme iron. This is used quickly the make energy in at the cellular level by your body.

8. Sardines
Sardines are some of the healthiest fish to consume, rich in omega 3 fatty acids and also a great source of iron. 100g of sardines contains 2.9mg of iron, which is around the size of one can. 

9. Lamb
A single lamb steak around 240g with 1/4 inch of fat contains 4.1mg of iron for your body. Modern health studies show that saturated fat from organic meat sources are very helpful for the body, supplying important nutrients and aiding absorption of minerals. 

10. Pistachios
A small handful of nuts each day is recommended to boost trace minerals and fatty acids to the body. Pistachios are the richest nut source of iron containing 3.9mg per 100g. We recommend soaking and germinating nuts, before eating them in order to absorb more iron. 

11. Ground Beef
We recommend making healthy burger patties with organic grass fed ground beef.  100g of this contains 1.6mg of heme iron. You can hack this by asking your butcher to mince a little beef liver in with your regular ground beef. This will disguise the liver taste yet boost the mince's iron value significantly.

12. Dark Chocolate
There are numerous health benefits of dark chocolate which contains at least 85% raw cocoa. We recommend consuming 3-4 chunks of sugar free dark chocolate daily. 100g of this contains 11.9mg of none heme iron.

13. Tuna
Canned tuna is also good source of bioavailable heme iron, containing 1mg per 100g. Tuna is rich in B Vitamins and Omega 3 which also support a healthy brain, nervous system and blood flow.

14. Bison
Grass fed bison is a less common red meat source yet contains 3.1mg of iron in 100g. This meat is also a great source of essential vitamins, minerals, omega 3 and proteins. Always consume your meat with green vegetables to form the perfect balance of nutrition. 

15. Sauerkraut
Last but not least we recommend eating sauerkraut consistently and regularly. It is one of the world's most powerful superfoods containing 1.5mg of iron per 100g. Although this is not a high amount of iron, sauerkraut is the best source of Vitamin C in the world, which rapidly enhances absorbtion of iron in the body. It also supports a healthy microbiome to heal hundreds of underlying health conditions. 

As you can see there are many food sources of iron that you can enjoy on a regular basis. 

Heme sources of iron are the most easily absorbed and are always found in animal based foods, however none heme sources from plants and vegetables are also extremely healthy and necessary.  

Many people take Iron Tablets which are made from a low quality elemental form of iron. This is not absorbed and used properly by the body and can cause damage through oxidation and rusting.

If you do wish to take a  supplement, the best form is "Grass Fed Liver or Spleen Extract" in pill form, sometimes labelled as desiccated liver.  This is a natural form of iron bound to protein, which your body can easily absorb and use to strengthen the blood.

If you are a vegetarian or vegan you can also get iron from fortified breads, pasta's and cereals, however these are not healthy sources. These refined foods are high on the glycaemic index and often do more harm than good for the body. 

Refined grains and sugars deplete the body of B vitamins and block the absorption of important minerals due to their phytic acid content. 

The average person needs around 8mg of iron per day and Pregnant women need at least 27mg to meet their requirements. 

Finally, if you wish to help your body absorb iron better to make more haemoglbin and red blood cells we recommend apple cider vinegar.

Drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before each meal. This strengthens the stomach and helps your natural acids to break down minerals and use them for different bodily processes.


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