Magnesium: Benefits for Health


The health benefits of magnesium

Magnesium is an important nutrient which is also an electrolyte mineral. Many people are deficient in this which leads to problems in the body.

Magnesium is found naturally in leafy green vegetables, nuts and seeds and is used by the body for over 300 important functions. 

In today's video we highlight all of the health benefits of magnesium, explain how it works in the body and how you can get more of this into your diet.

1. Muscle Health
Magnesium plays an important role in regulating muscle contractions in the body, by controlling certain nerves. It is important prevent muscle cramping and spasms especially in the back, legs and feet. This is helpful for those who suffer with tight muscles and stiffness in different areas of the body. 

2. Heart Health
Getting more magnesium into the diet is shown to improve the health of the heart and the cardiovascular system. It does this by controlling the many muscles involved with blood flow. This can effectively help control blood pressure and boost oxygen levels to the heart, and keeps the heart muscle in steady rhythm. Magnesium can help those suffering with painful angina, high blood pressure and irregular heartbeat. 

3. Energy Levels
Magnesium is an electrolyte, which means it is involved with the production of energy in the cells of the body.  There are small energy factories in the cells called mitochondria which use magnesium to generate electrical energy called ATP.  It works alongside other minerals like potassium, calcium and sodium to maintain healthy cells and release a steady flow of energy. If you don't get enough magnesium you will feel very tired often and struggle to relax.

4. Relaxation
If magnesium levels are low in the body, the nerves become overactive because calcium doesn’t get regulated properly. This leads to irritation, nervous tension and conditions like restless leg syndrome. Energy gets locked up in the muscle cells and cannot escape which can keep you wired and overactive, especially when trying to sleep at night. For this reason it is important to get plenty magnesium from healthy foods to keep your muscles and body relax ed. 

5. Better Sleep
Those who suffer with insomnia or struggle to fall asleep at night are usually deficient in magnesium or B vitamins. Magnesium helps to aid sleep in many different ways. It boosts the sleep hormone called melatonin which guides the sleep-wake cycles in the body.  The mineral also binds to a neurotransmitter called GABA. GABA quiets down nerve activity, making you feel peaceful and calm. This is also helpful for those with anxiety and helps to calm racing thoughts at night.

6. Digestion
As magnesium is heavily involved with muscle control, it also helps to improve digestion and treat constipation. Magnesium helps the muscles to create gentle waves of pressure that pumps out waste from the colon. This process is called peristalsis and is important for preventing waste from backing up. If digested food sits in the intestines too long it can lead to bloating, gas, and toxins can begin to leak into the body, heightening the risk of bowel cancer. 

7. Breathing
Magnesium relaxes the small bronchial muscles in the lungs which expands the airways and allows more air to flow in and out of the body. This can help ex-smokers, asthma patients, those with COPD and other breathing problems. More oxygen means that you will have better blood flow to the heart and muscles.

8. Pain Relief
Electrolyte minerals like potassium and magnesium help to control nerve impulses in the body which means they can also lower nerve pain. As magnesium relaxes the muscles in the body, and improves blood flow, it acts as a natural painkiller.  It also decreases inflammation throughout the body by lowering C-Reactive protein. Studies show that taking magnesium can treat migraines and headaches very quickly, as well as muscle strains, stiff neck and shoulder pain.

9. Bone Health
Vitamin D and magnesium work together in the body to strengthen the bones. These nutrients stimulate a hormone called calcitonin, which draws out calcium from the soft tissues and places it in the bones where it belongs. This leads to stronger bones with higher density and can help those suffer with osteopenia, osteoarthritis or bone fractures. Vitamin K2 (MK7) is also recommended for these problems.

10. Stress
Magnesium is known as the stress-relieving mineral because of its many benefits seen in today's video.  Those with a magnesium deficiency are more likely to suffer with anxiety and heightened stress, as their bodies are locked into the 'fight or flight' state. Getting more magnesium into the diet from leafy greens deactivates this state of stress by calming the mind with serotonin and GABA.

As you can see magnesium plays an important part in regulating muscles, generating energy and calming the nervous system.

Unfortunately many people are deficient in magnesium as they do not consume enough vegetables and leafy greens. Magnesium is at the heart of chlorophyll, a green pigment which is  the lifeblood of plants.

People also consume too many refined foods like sugar, rice, bread and flour, which depletes magnesium levels. 

We recommend taking a supplement of magnesium citrate in powdered form. This is a natural variety which is easily absorbed by the body.

You can also get magnesium from pumpkin seeds, spinach, Swiss chard, almonds, sesame seeds, quinoa, sunflower seeds and sugar-free dark chocolate 

Both men and women need between 320-420mg of magnesium per day for optimal health. 

As a side note, if you take magnesium citrate we recommend consuming this in a blend of other electrolyte powders, as these minerals all work together in the body.

If you have often have acid reflux, bloating or GERD, you can take apple cider vinegar capsules to help repair your stomach acids. It is important to have a strong stomach in order to digest and absorb minerals.

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