How To Avoid Viruses | Anti-Viral Strategies


How To Avoid Viruses in the Environment?

Viruses are small microorganisms that can infect healthy cells in the human body.

These can be very dangerous for your health and are the cause of many different symptoms like coughs, shortness of breath, sickness, diarrhea, headaches, sore throats and many others. 

The good news is that there are many ways to avoid viral infections from the environment like colds, flu, adenovirus and coronavirus.

In today's video we will explore 20 ways to avoid viral infections and prevent them spreading from person to person, especially during an epidemic or pandemic situation. 

1. Social Distancing
In the event of a viral outbreak it is very important that we distance ourselves from other people. During the Coronavirus pandemic people are advised to stay at home where possible and avoid large gatherings of people.

2. Personal Contact
Viruses spread through water droplets when people cough, breathe or sneeze. For this reason you should not physically touch others who may be infected. Avoid shaking hands, hugging, kissing or touching people that you do not live with during a viral outbreak.

3. Boost Immune System
The number 1 best way to avoid viral infections is to keep your immune system strong and healthy. Eating healthy foods like oily fish, leafy greens and green vegetables supports a strong immunity against viruses. You can also take colloidal silver, apple cider vinegar and oregano oil as herbal supplements. 

4. Wash Hands
Viruses can be picked up from surfaces and objects outside the home, so it's important to wash the hands regularly. If your hands have contacted a virus and then you touch your face, you could catch the infection through your eyes, nose or mouth.  Use hot water and soap to kill viruses on the hands, be sure to scrub between your fingers, the front and backs of the hands and under the nails. Do this for at least 20 seconds.

5. Avoid Face
If there is a viral outbreak in your area you must avoid touching your face when you are out and about. Any public areas that are away from your home should be considered un-clean, and people touch their faces 20 times an hour on average. Train yourself to avoid touching the face, or scratching the eyes at home before going outside.

6. Avoid Public
If you can, try to avoid enclosed public areas where there are lots of people. Viruses are breathed out and easily caught in smaller spaces, and can live on surfaces longer in doors. If you can, stay away from public transport and stuffy indoor areas. 

7. Use Tissue
To make sure that you aren't spreading viruses unknowingly, always use a tissue to catch water droplets when you sneeze or cough. After you have coughed or sneezed, fold the tissue up and throw it in the bin.

8. Dispensers
Use hand gel dispensers where available to keep the hands sterile, especially in hospitals, doctors’ practises, dentists and other sterile areas.  You can also carry around a small bottle of hand sanitizer with a high alcohol content to kill viruses.

9. Disinfect
Think of your hom e as the safe space during a viral outbreak. It is important to keep this sterile and safe. Disinfect door knobs inside and outside the home as they could easily be contaminated.

If you are in a public place you can carry disinfectant wipes and use on door knobs, shopping cart handles, and other surfaces. 

10. Protection
In public places use protective equipment such as gloves, face masks and wrap around goggles if you have them. Remember to throw away disposable gloves before entering the home again, and sterilizing your other equipment with hot soapy water.

11. Utensils
Avoid sharing knives and forks, cups, spoons and other utensils as this is an easy way for viruses to spread. Keep these sterile with hot soapy water.

12. Card Payment
In public places such as shops use contactless payments if possible. Viruses can stick to physical cash and ATM's and be passed from person to person.  If you do need to withdraw money from an ATM, wear disposable gloves and use a disinfectant wipe afterwards. 

13. Shoes
Remember that your home is your safe space, so don't take street shoes into the home. Viruses may be living on the floor which could be brought into the home on shoes. Keep the home as sterile as possible.

14. Mobile Devices
Phones, tablets and other devices that you carry around should be disinfected with a simple alcohol or antibacterial wipe often. Viruses can stick to these and be brought into the home, so be careful.

15. Hospital Visits
In a pandemic situation, avoid hospital visits as much as possible. Hospitals are high risk areas where visits should be kept to a minimum. This is for your protection and the protection of patients.

16. Public Toilets
Viruses can spread through urine and faeces and can spread into the air when the toilet is flushed. Use extreme hand hygiene and take care if using public restrooms.

17. Supplement
Over 1 billion people are deficient in Vitamin D. This causes your immune system to become weaker and you are more likely to catch a viral infection. Taking a daily Vitamin D supplement can help to keep your defences high so that you can prevent or fight off infections. 

18. Stay Warm
Viruses tend to spread easier in cold environments because the cold makes the nose runny. Viruses can more easily spread into the airways through cold noses, so try to keep warm.

19. Avoid Alcohol
If you are locked down in your home, it may be tempting to drink more alcohol. We recommend avoiding drinking alcohol during a pandemic, because it severely weakens immunity in the body.

20. Mineral Water
If you do catch a cold, virus or infection be sure to drink lots of mineral water to stay hydrated. Viral infections can cause vomiting and diarrhoea which means you lose lots of fluids. Stay hydrated and keep drinking water.

As you can see there are many things that you can do to  avoid viruses and prevent them from spreading.

These precautions are absolutely essential during a viral pandemic. Following these steps will help to protect your family, and everyone else from high risk infections.

Be sure to select our 'Immunity' playlist at the end to learn about the best foods, herbs and nutrients that boost your immune system, in order to protect you from viruses.

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