Foods That Boost Immune System


A list of healthy foods that boost the immune system.

The immune system is a collection of natural defences which the protect the human body from pathogens and disease. 

This system protects us against invaders like viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and other foreign particles that could damage your health. 

Nowadays people have weaker immune systems because they consume too many junk foods and do not get enough nutrients into their diet.

In today's video we share a list of the best 17 foods and supplements that boost the immune system.

These foods will help to protect and strengthen your body against infections and viruses. 

1. Garlic
Garlic is the number one most potent super food for protecting the body against diseases and infections. It contains a powerful sulfur compound called allicin which is stronger than antibiotic drugs. Eating fresh raw garlic is excellent for destroying viruses, bacteria, mould, fungus, parasites and yeast.

2. Salmon
We highly recommend consuming wild caught salmon on a regular basis to support the immune system. This oily fish is rich in natural omega 3 fats that strengthen the outer walls of your cells. This helps to protect the cells from being infected by viruses and harmed by other types of invaders.

3. Pumpkin Seeds
These are one of nature's best natural sources of zinc, an important trace mineral needed heavily by the immune system. Zinc is found in the cells throughout the body and helps to protect them by making healthy proteins and DNA. Zinc helps to increase T-cells - these are part of the white blood cell army that fights off pathogens and targeted invaders.

4. Sauerkraut
Sauerkraut is one of the best sources of Vitamin C which helps your body to produce more white blood cells. These cells target and destroy harmful pathogens and microbes that infect your body, so that you can heal very quickly. This form of fermented cabbage also feeds your friendly bacteria and supports your micro biome.

5. Eggs
Pasture raised eggs contain all the building blocks of life and are loaded with immune boosting nutrients.  The yellow yolks are rich in Vitamin A, which helps to boost your mucous lining in the sinuses, throat, airways and stomach.  This mucus captures and traps foreign invaders before they can infect your cells or damage your body.

6. Blackberries
We recommend eating a handful of mixed dark berries each  day including blackberries, blueberries and raspberries. These are rich in anthocyanins and vitamin C which helps to build a larger army of white blood cells in your body. 

7. Bell Peppers
These delicious fruits come in different colours and are ram packed full of Vitamin C. You should consume these raw, as cooking can destroy the vitamin c complex before you consume it.

8. Coconut Oil
You should avoid unhealthy refined oils like canola, soy or vegetable oil as these cause inflammation in the body and weaken your immune system. Replace these with extra virgin coconut oil to help build stronger cell membranes and protect your body from infections. The body requires lots of healthy fats to build the thick protective layer around the cells. 

9. Vitamin D3
Vitamin D is one of the most essential nutrients for protecting and maintaining a healthy immune system. Our bodies make Vitamin D when the sunshine contacts our skin, which is why people usually have lower defences to germs in the winter. You can take a supplement of Vitamin D3 and K2 to support the immune system all year round. These help to modulate the immune system, support t cell growth and destroy harmful microbes.

10. Wheatgrass Juice
You can purchase powdered wheatgrass juice and mix with water for a powerful immune boosting tonic. This is a good source of antioxidants and the natural vitamin c complex for fighting off infections and speeding up immune response. 

11. Kale
We highly recommend eating cruciferous vegetables daily such as kale, cauliflower, spinach and collard greens. These are fundamentally important for supplying minerals and chlorophyll to the body. Eating these supports a healthy liver which in turn boosts your immunity to disease.

12. Apple Cider Vinegar
Drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before each meal. This helps to strengthen your stomach and destroy harmful parasites and bacteria in contaminated food. This is also very effective at speeding up phagocytes in the blood, helping them to engulf and destroy pathogens from inside the body. 

13. Avocado
Many people consume too many junk foods and sugar which weakens the body's defences. Avocados are rich in healthy fats and potassium to help balance blood sugars and strengthen the pituitary gland in the brain. This helps to release more t cells and white blood cells that attack pathogens.

14. Colloidal Silver
This is an age-old remedy which contains silver particles in water and helps to maintain a strong immune system. Colloidal silver destroys harmful bacteria and viruses in the body and can fight anti-biotic resistant pathogens like MRSA.

15. Olive Leaf
Olive leaf extract has been used for centuries in the Middle East and Europe to boost immunity and fight existing infections. It contains oleuropein and calcium elenolate which destroy microbes at the cellular level and speed up the healing process. Start taking this the moment you notice any symptoms of a cold.

16. Wild Oregano Oil
This is one of nature's most powerful natural antibiotics. Like garlic this naturally destroys harmful fungus, bacteria, viruses, parasites, yeast and candida from the body. It can be taken in small capsules, in liquid form or applied externally to the skin. Oregano oil is a great natural treatment for ear infections and bladder infections in particular.  

17. Bone Broth
Last but not least, bone broth may be the best of all natural remedies for speeding up healing and strengthening the overall immune system. This is a stewed liquid made from boiled animal bones and is loaded with important amino acids, collagen and minerals. It provides the raw materials so that the liver can make glutathione, one of the strongest antioxidants to help protect the body from future attacks. 

As you can see there are many foods that boost the immune system. Try adding a mixture of these into your diet to protect yourself, especially during the cold winter months.

If you are in a state of chronic stress, you are more likely to get infected by microbial and viral attackers. Stress weakens the immune system and this can lead to viruses coming out of remission such as the herpes simplex.

To lower chronic stress we recommend meditating and low stress exercise such as long walks. A gentle 20 minute walk per day can raise oxygen levels in the body and help to ease stress naturally.

Getting more quality sleep will also help to lower stress levels and balance the chemistry of the body. We recommend using an oil burner or diffuser with relaxing essential oils at night time to help you drift off.

Be sure to quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption if you find yourself catching colds and infections often. Smoking damages the mucosal lining in your airways which is meant to protect you, whilst alcohol slows your liver performance and immunity.

Finally you can perform intermittent fasting by eating all of your calories in a 3 hour window during the day. This triggers a process called autophagy where your body cleans out harmful microbes and recycles dead tissues and proteins for excellent health.

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