Best Foods for: Keto Diet


A list of healthy foods for Keto dieting.

Nowadays Keto has become one of the most popular diets to lose weight and get healthy.

The ketogenic diet simply removes foods which are high in carbohydrates and replaces them with healthy alternatives.

The goal is to stay under 20g of net carbs per day so that that body can burn its own fat for energy.

In today's video we will share with you a list of healthy foods which contain little to no carbs or sugars.

These will provide the body with lots of nutrients and allow it to heal naturally and shed excess body fat.

Let's take a look at some of these foods. 

1. Kale (Unlimited on Keto)

Kale is one of the most nutrient dense superfoods on the planet. This is a leafy green vegetable which helps to lower inflammation and provide energy and nutrients. This is unlimited on keto and is not considered as a carbohydrate. 
2. Grass Fed Butter (Unlimited on Keto)

Pure butter that has not been blended with vegetable oil is one of the best sources of Vitamin A to protect your eyes, skin and hair. This is one of the best sources of fat on a keto diet, which will help you to full between meals. The calcium in butter strengthens the bones and is very bioavailable. 
3. Grass Fed Beef (0 Carbohydrates)
A healthy red meat containing the perfect balance of protein and fat. Rich in Vitamin B12, beef is excellent in the development of healthy muscles and provides energy. Like most meats this contains no carbohydrates.
4. Eggs (Unlimited on Keto)
Eggs contain all the building blocks of life yet have practically no carbs or sugars within them. They are rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals which help the body's cells to heal and grow.
5. Salmon  (Unlimited on Keto)
Like other fish, this is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids which heal the body internally, especially when trying to lose weight. Eating fish improves the health of the central nervous system and prevents painful conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis.
6. Strawberries (1 Cup = 6.6g Net Carbohydrates)

All fruits contain a small amount of sugars, however berries contain the lowest amount. 1 cup of strawberries contains only 6.6g of net carbs, making them a perfect dessert on keto. We recommend serving these with high fat double cream. All berries contain pigments which help in healing the body, and sharpening the brain. 
7. Watermelon (1 Cup = 12g Net Carbohydrates)
Watermelon provides soluble and insoluble fibre which keep the colon healthy. 1/2 cup of chopped watermelon contains around 6g net carbs which can be easily fit into your daily allowance. Eating this fruit is an excellent alternative to junk foods such as cookies, bread, biscuits, pasta or waffles.
8. Coconut Oil (Unlimited on Keto)

A healthy plant based oil which provides an excellent source of natural fat. Coconut oil contains no carbs or sugars and is a clean fuel for the body. Replace processed vegetable oils with extra virgin coconut oil to boost mental focus and overall health. 
9. Organic Bacon (Unlimited on Keto)
Bacon is one of the tastiest and healthiest foods on a ketogenic diet. Look for streaky bacon with extra fat as this will provide the most nutrients. Bacon actually helps to strengthen the heart and cardiovascular system when it is not eaten alongside carbs such as bread.
10. Avocado (Unlimited on Keto)
This naturally high fat fruit is one of the healthiest super foods to eat on the keto diet. It provides 500-850mg of potassium. Keeping your potassium high is essential on keto to cleanse the body and prevent detox symptoms. Avocado is also rich in folate, Vitamin C, K1, B Vitamins, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc and Beta Carotene. 

11. Garlic (Unlimited on Keto)

Garlic is one of the tastiest cooking ingredients and is also a super food. This bulb strengthens the immune system and is being used in modern hospitals as a natural antibiotic. It is also antiviral, antiparasitic and is overall a fantastic cleaner for the body's cells.
12. Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Unlimited on Keto)
Avoid processed oils and stick with cold pressed olive oil when making a healthy salad dressing. This healthy plant based fat will keep you full between meals and contains a high amount of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. 

13. Pecan Nuts (100g = 4g Net Carbohydrates)
These contain a very low amount of net carbs, and contain a high amount of fibre.  They provide minerals which heal the thyroid gland and are an excellent source of omega 3.
14. Grass Fed Cheese (100g = 1.3g Net Carbohydrates)
Cheese is one of the healthiest sources of fat soluble vitamins such as Vitamins A, E, D and K2. This helps calcium to be absorbed into the bones, teeth and nails. It also contains healthy fatty acids and proteins which improve the health of the brain.
15. Coriander (Unlimited on Keto)

Also known as cilantro, this delicious tasty herb has been used for thousands of years to cleanse the body. It naturally detoxifies the body of heavy metals which may be causing health problems. Slice the leaves roughly and sprinkle on top of keto meals.
16. Turmeric (1 Tablespoon = 4g Net Carbohydrates)
One of nature's most powerful natural healers. This spice can be used in cooking to boost the health of the body rapidly. This can work wonders for lowering blood pressure, aiding weight loss and curing depression and anxiety.  Be sure to add a little black pepper to help your body absorb the curcumin compound it contains.
17. Xylitol (Max recommended 5 teaspoons per day on Keto)
This is a replacement for granulated sugar. Xylitol is a natural sweetener made from the wood of birch trees. This tastes sweet and exactly the same as sugar yet does not cause a high spike in insulin. It is the most popular keto sugar substitute, however you can also try stevia, monkfruit, erythritol and others. 
18. Green Tea (Unlimited on Keto)
Green tea contains no carbs or sugar yet is one of the healthiest drinks on the planet. It contains a substance known as chlorophyll which is rich in antioxidants. These heal the body internally at the cellular level, helping you to lose weight and lower inflammation.
19. Double Cream (100ml = 2.6g Net Carbohydrates)

Double cream also known as whipped cream contains only 2.6g carbs per 100ml. This can be blended to thicken and is absolutely delicious. Add this to a small portion of berries for a healthy keto dessert.
20. Cauliflower (Unlimited on Keto)
This healthy vegetable is well known for its anti-inflammatory effects due to its concentration of antioxidants. It contains two groups of antioxidants which have been scientifically shown to slow the growth of cancer cells.  You can make cauliflower rice with the stalks or even a healthy pizza crust.
21. Raw Cacao Powder (1 Tablespoon contains 4g Net Carbohydrates)
Don't sacrifice your love of chocolate, as you can use raw cacao powder in healthy keto recipes. Be sure to check this spelling and look for "Cacao" and not "Cocoa."  Cacao is made using a cold pressed method which does not destroy its nutrients.

As you can see there are a great range of delicious foods you can eat on a ketogenic diet to boost your health.

We recommend eating a high amount of salad and cruciferous vegetables every day to boost your potassium levels. 

These provide a large amount of plant based nutrients which are needed to help the body during weight loss.

Cooked vegetables lose some of their nutrients when heated, so it's important to eat plenty raw vegetables.

We recommend eating lots of kale, watercress, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, spinach, beet tops, asparagus and arugula.

When eating meat, try to look for high quality grass fed animal products, as these contain more nutrition. 

Always check the labels on foods and avoid foods with added MSG (monosodium glutamate) as this is made from corn starch and will slow down weight loss.

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