Jasmine Flower: Benefits and Uses


The health benefits and uses of Jasmine Flower. 

1. Jasmine has been grown for thousands of years in China, Japan, Indonesia and Southeast Asia for its wonderful flowers.

These have a unique aroma and have some excellent healing properties for the human body.

2. The flowers are most commonly used to make a herbal tea which is used to treat various health problems.

3. It is also used to make jasmine essential oil for use in aromatherapy as it smells wonderful.  For this reason, it has been labelled "The King of Flowers".

4. Jasmine Tea can be drank regularly to protect those who have a family history of heart problems. The catechins found within the tea prevent oxidation of cholesterol in the arteries. This lowers your risk of heart attacks, and strokes as it protects the veins and arteries from inflammation.

5. The antioxidants and nutrients within this wonderful flower work as a natural pain killer, especially when drank as a herbal tea. This works on headaches, aching joints and general mild pain in the body.

6. The tea or oil form of jasmine can be applied to the skin to treat sunburns and rashes due to its antiseptic quality.

7. Like many other herbal teas, it has a calming effect on the central nervous system and works to reduce irritability and stress. 

8. The compounds which create it's wonderful smell have aphrodisiac properties and have been used to increase sex drive and ambience. Jasmine oil is often placed in an oil burner to bring this into effect, as well as drinking jasmine tea.

9. The flowers are sometimes pressed to simply release the juice inside. This can be applied topically to the skin to treat some of the problems listed earlier.  

Jasmine juice also works to heal corns on the feet when applied regularly.

10. It has rejuvenating properties when blended into massage oils and slowly rubbed into the back, neck and arms.

11. We recommend using jasmine oil to create a relaxing environment along with other essential oils. 

It is important to rest the mind and body in a calm environment at least once per week to allow for proper healing. 

Use candles, gentle music, oil burners and jasmine tea to craft this experience.

12. The plants themselves are often used for landscaping and decorating outside villas. They historically have been used in royal palaces as the blooms are very ornamental. 
13. Jasmine tea is often mixed with green tea to create an extremely powerful antioxidant rich drink which promotes healing and calmness of mind and body.

14. The scent of the flower is often used in many cosmetic products as it has a gentle smell. It is also used in many washing detergents, shampoos, conditioners and perfumes around the world.

15. Many people believe that jasmine tea works to reduce illness due to the nutrients that it contains. This may be attributed to its common blending with green or Matcha tea.

To learn more about healthy flowers, herbs and natural remedies, please see our other videos.

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